According to a study of green coffee bean extract published in the Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity Journal*, over a period of just 12 weeks test subjects lost an average of 10.5% of their overall body weight and 16% of their overall body fat - all without changing their eating or exercise habits. Each and every test subject lost an average of 17 pounds over the 12 week period. And all with no side affects.
Again, the success is attributed to the natural chlorogenic acid found in the green coffee beans. Because chlorogenic acid prevents the release of glucose into the blood stream the liver the metabolism increases which causes the liver to burn more fat, faster. These two processes also work together to prevent the body from absorbing and storing fat.
Naturally, you can speed up pounds lost even more with a sensible eating program and a regular exercise routine. But what's so surprising about this research is that these individuals were able to lose the weight with no change to their eating habits, no strenuous exercise regimen and no side effects. That's a tremendous improvement over recent diet aids that have caused everything from unpredictable anal leakage to heart defects.